And its over - Day 7 Conclusion

  • Dynamic lighting
  • Smooth movement
  • Tile based graphics
  • Orientation of characters
  • Keyboard and mouse controls
Planed but Missing:
  • proper character development
  • ranged weapons
  • better enemy graphics
  • more items
  • and tons of other stuff


Tested on Windows XP an Ubuntu Linux.

Java 1.6 or higher required.

Get the final version here.

Day 7

- Main menu, help, main game screens

- Fullscreen mode.

- Intro story.

- AI updates.

- Enemy variations.

- More weapons.

- UI tweaks.

- Tileset and sprite finalization.

- Level generation tweaks.

- Basic game master implemented.

- Last minutes bugfixes.

Day 6


- Rendering engine rewrite.

Day 5


- Healing items.

- Pickable items.

- Death.

- Inventory.

Day 4

- Bugs, bugs bugs.

- Confirm dialogs.

Day 3


- Fuck I'm too tired :)

- New tiles.

- Reimplementing tile types.

Day 2


- Level generator from Fear4k.

- Circular rooms.

- Movement BUG hunting.

- Continuous keyboard movement and mouse interaction.

- Basic AI.

- Messagess.

- Time to implement more in-depth combat rules.

Day 1


22:45 - Basic blood implemented, time to call it a day.

21:45 - And as always, wasting time with graphics :-/

19:30 - First enemy entity.

14:30 - Refuctoring asset loader.

11:40 - Simple UI

10:40 - Camera movement

09:00 - Time to start with the gameplay screen...